"La Tinta Invisible" tells the story of two singular characters, opposite and complementary. On the one hand, Francisco Chopo, currently a Belgian builder and father of a family, but who had other previous lives where he was a bricklayer and an anarchist guerrilla. On the other hand, Blasco Kaplán known as a banker and financier, but secretly linked to the ultra-right lodges, the mafia and militaristic circles. Their stories intersect in various historical times, where the survival of one always ends up depending on the assistance of the other. Series based on the novels La Tinta Invisible and Fratelli by Eduardo Mariani.
Project status: DEVELOPMENT
Fernando Epstein, 2022
Distributes in Uruguay MUTANTE CINE
Documentary, Color.
Script and direction: Fernando Epstein
Production: MUTANTE CINE (Uruguay)
Executive Production: Fernando Epstein